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Why Do Cats Come To The Bathroom With You?


Why Do Cats Come To The Bathroom With You?

帖子admin » 周六 8月 17, 2019 5:08 pm

https://www.thedodo.com/why-do-cats-com ... 86406.html
Cat lovers everywhere have to ask their cats this question a few times a day. And very often the door in question is the one leading to the loo.

Cats follow their people all over the place, but there seems to be a special fascination with the bathroom.

YouTube/Cat Story
Why the prevalent interest in bathrooms among feline folk? Are cats guarding us in moments of vulnerability? Or, do they simply enjoy staring at us from the sink?

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Roberto Palomba
Theories abound. Confusion abounds even more.

"My cat does this all the time. If I don't let her in with me, she puts her paw under the door until she finds my foot to hold onto," onereddit commenter wrote. "Sometimes I'll put my hand down and we'll hold 'hands' through the door, she purrs like mad when we do this."

"This is painfully cute," another commenter replied.

"Cats have that toddler mentality," another wrote. "If you're doing anything behind closed doors it means you're having fun without them. They want in on it."

YouTube/Cat Story
So, perhaps cats have a case of FOMO, and want to ensure they're doing what's cool.

Or perhaps they just want to be literally cool. Cats tend to like cool places, so one theory is that tiled rooms are appealing to the furry felines.

Roberto Palomba
Another theory speculates that cats just don't like being shut out or ignored. So, they just dart on in.

What seems most likely to drive this interest is how cats love routine. Creatures of habit, cats perform "chaining behaviors," which means they like to go through the motions of the daily grind with you.

YouTube/Cat Story
But some behaviors go beyond comprehension ...

... like when cats snuggle up in briefly unoccupied briefs.

And this happens a lot.

Yeah. We don't have any certain answers for that.
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