Stolen from the streets, shoved into trucks, locked in cages. What comes next is almost too gruesome for words. Beaten and starved, the dogs are slaughtered in front of each other, then carved up and sold to be eaten. This is the horrifying fate of the millions of dogs caught up in the world’s dog meat trade. But it shouldn’t be this way -- and it doesn’t have to be.
Your support puts us on the ground where the dog meat trade is still thriving. With your help, we’ll assist farmers as they transition to more humane livelihoods, lobby for better laws, and intercept trucks destined for meat farms. You’ll help us rescue dogs: setting them free, providing medical care, helping them heal and helping them find homes where they’ll be loved and cared for.
Along with keeping dogs safe, your support will also help us protect all the world's animals including those suffering in laboratories and those abused in the wild. Together, we can defend the lives of all animals.
Donate now to stop the dog meat trade and create a world that gives all animals the respect and dignity every living creature deserves.