http://teachinglearnerswithmultipleneed ... cking.html
Free and Low Cost Head Tracking Software (note head trackers can usually track any body part and more so if you put reflective tape, shiny nail polish or an LED on that body part)
Note and Tips:
Head Tracking and Eye Gaze Tracking are two very different things. Head tracking uses a camera to translate a body part movement, typically the head, into mouse movement. Eye Gaze Tracking is more complicated, using one or more cameras to translate slight movements of the eye into mouse movements. Please do not use the terms interchangeably.
Head Tracking can generally track any body movement - a toe or finger or elbow should work as well as a head to these systems
Many head tracking systems work better if you use a dot of metallic nail polish, aluminum foil or reflective tape (you can get this in bike stores) to make it easy for the camera to stay on one spot
Free and low cost systems often do not have the features commercial systems have, for example you many need to install addition autoclick or dwell click software and you will not have as much (or any) access to tech support
Free and Low Cost Head Tracking Software
Camera Mouse is for Windows XP, Vista and 7, uses a webcam and is free
Cam Space is free body part or object tracking software
Enable ViaCam uses any webcam to track head movements
Free Track is free, opensource head tracking software that many other programs are based on
HeadDev is an ipen source, Windows based head/body part tracker that uses a webcam (English info)
iTracker for Mac, uses webcam $29.99
HeadMouse3 uses any webcam for free to do head tracking
Open Gazer Head Tracking Version free head tracking software using a web cam
DIY Head Trackers
directions to use a Wii for head tracking
directions to make a Lego head tracker
Free and Low Cost Eye Tracking Software
ITU Gaze Tracker is a free eye gaze program for Windows that works with a webcam
myEYE is a free eye tracking program for use on Windows with a high resolution webcam
Open Eyes has directions to build two different user worn eye gaze systems
Open Gazer is free eye gaze software for Linux that works with a webcam
Options to Click
Dwell Clicker free software to allow hovering over an item to trigger a click
Point and Click free software for dwell and auto clicking
Use a switch set to "mouse click" or "enter"