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#1 tourist site-gulang island

about Xiamen

#1 tourist site-gulang island

帖子admin » 周六 7月 24, 2010 11:32 am

gulang island is a must see in Xiamen, gu and lang in chinese is drum and wave, the name came from a rock at the seaside, it has some sort of cave so when the wave hit it, it make a sound like a drum is hit. i will not tell you which sites you can visit as you can read the tourist guide book, but i will let you know how you can plan your tour, you can walk or take a long version golf cart. i would suggest you take the walk, as you will observe this small beautiful island better, i was told that you can make a round trip by walking by the seaside, but i never tried it so take your own risk in finding the way back home, o i was just kidding, the only way i would do is to follow the crowd when i get off the ferry, and then you will see a tunnel next to a beach where you will probably see people swimming, after you walk through the tunnel you are on your own, as i usually trial and error to find out the way back to the ferry. talking about swimming, i was told that you can swim a round trip around the island, but i never tried, and i was told that there are a lot of turbulence so don't try to be a hero.
in your trip on the islands, you can see a lot of beautiful old fashion houses, some of those were belong to the so called rented area, whatever that means, i don't even know if they really paid the rent, rented area of 13 intruders, you guys should be shame of your ancestors if your home country are one of those 13. i m not trying to give you a history lesson but at least you know it and not trying to modify the history about intrusion like some stupid jap do, most Chinese are patriotic like me, but Chinese are friendly as always like me even though we know what your ancestors did, peace. :amen:
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